Fitness Meets Life Coaching: Reagan’s Story

Releasing the weight of inauthenticity… to become her true self.

My head was spinning after the call where my VIP client Reagan had come out to me as LGBTQ.

Told me our calls had empowered her to be her authentic self… that it would’ve taken her a lot longer without the mindset work we did together.

Half of me floated in disbelief while the rest of my body shook with the urge to dance for joy.

Felt like my impact as a fitness coach for years had been so… superficial.

Had known deep in my witchy bones my impact was meant to be more than skin deep even as I’d impacted thousands of women through my recipes & hundreds more through fitness coaching.

Yearned to help women step into their power on a deeper level. Finding the inner strength weightlifting alone hadn’t given me.

And that day Reagan showed me that it was all working.

When Reagan came back to my team after a 1.5 year hiatus, knew exactly what she needed:

  • MINDFUL eating over strict macros
  • A LOOSE 4 day home gym plan
  • Grounding techniques
  • Emotional Embodiment & Somatics
  • Intuition Building for Self Trust

And weekly 1:1 mindset calls with me to keep a close eye on disordered eating behaviors & thought patterns to make sure they didn’t creep back in.

Week after week we’ve met & navigated the insanity her life has been.

Ending an engagement

Moving out

Coming out as LGBTQ!!

Navigating toxic interpersonal relationships

Finding equilibrium through the panic of job transitions

Getting to help Reagan through all of these transitions has been an absolute honor. She takes the mindset, psychology, & magical tools I give her & applies them immediately.

And to tell you the truth… our focus the first 5ish months… was surviving & keeping her head afloat mindset wise.

She missed workouts. She practiced mindful eating but had weeks where takeout was the best option. She’s had multiple meals out a week more often than not.

But Reagan knows the power of mindset.

She knows the power of sticking to something consistently.

She knows that the nonscale victories tell a much deeper story.

When you apply mindset strategy to your fitness journey… you don’t have to be perfect with fitness or nutrition.

She’s the same weight in both pictures, but she’s had an entire life transformation.

She chose her future self.

She chose to motivate herself with desire

over shame & fear.

She chose authenticity.

She could’ve turned her nose up at this “woo woo mindset stuff,” but she believed in me & my results… so she went all in.

90-95% of people who go on weight loss journeys fail or rebound.

So if you want top 5% results… you gotta have top 5% behavior… and be willing to do the things for your fitness journey that might not make sense to your average gym bro.

Mindset + Strategy + Action

Her voice today sounds different.

Just this past weekend she set some firm boundaries to preserve her peace & set her week up for success.

But the result of helping her to step into authenticity… is something I will never forget.

My clients change my life as much as I change theirs.

Which is why this is fitness + life coaching.

Check out Reagan’s YouTube interview:

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